GroupCal – main screen

GroupCal – main screen

The GroupCal Main screen

The main screen of GroupCal has 3 sections:

  1. Calendars List section – lists all the calendars you have in GroupCal, including your personal calendars, calendars you created and calendars you joined.
  2. Calendar View section – shows the events of the calendar selected from the Calendars List section.
  3. Account Section – displays account related information.


The Calendars List sectionThe Calendars List section in GroupCal

The Calendars List section of GroupCal is located on the left side of the main screen. It lists all your shared calendars that you have either created, or that others have created and shared with you.

The following are the main functionalities available in the Calendars List section:

  • See the status of each of your shared calendars:
    Calendar on the Calendar List section of the main screen

    • The number of updates waiting for your review.
    • Details about the last update and the time it was made. 
    • Whether the calendar is set not to provide reminders for its events.
    • Whether the calendar is set to not show on the main “All Calendars” screen which aggregates all events from all calendars.
    • Whether the calendar is pinned to the top of the list.  
  • Show any of the shared calendars screens by clicking on it. 
  • Show the “All Calendars” screen by tapping the All Calendars button. The All Calendars screen shows all events from all calendars together, excluding events from calendars that are set to not show their events on the All Calendars screen. 
  • Add a new calendar by tapping on the “+ Calendar” button.


The Calendar View section

The Calendar View section in GroupCal

GroupCal displays events on the calendar screen based on your selection on the Home Screen:

All Calendars View

When you select the “All Calendars” option, events from all your calendars – including personal ones – are displayed together on the screen.

Specific Calendar View

If you select a specific calendar, only events from that calendar are fully visible. Events from other calendars appear dimmed by default, providing context to your overall schedule.

You can tap on any dimmed event to make all dimmed events fully visible for a few seconds.

Additionally, you can configure any calendar to hide events from other calendars by adjusting the settings in the calendar’s details screen.

Title of the calendar

The title of each shared calendar screen will show the name of the calendar currently presented, and a list of its members below it. Tapping on the title opens the calendar information screen.



A single event on the Calendar view of GroupCal web app

Events are color coded

Events are color-coded based on their shared calendar color. This makes it easier to associate events with the calendar they belong to. Regular events that are part of a regular calendar account (Google, Outlook, etc.) get the color of their calendar account.

It’s possible to set a color for specific calendar members, and then events of that calendar will have the color of the member who is the owner of those events. If no such color is set for the owner of the event, the default calendar color is used.

Event photos

On the “All Calendar” screen, group photos are shown on top of events. For Google Calendar events, GroupCal attaches the Google Calendar logo on top of the events. This allows users to easily associate events with their calendars. 

Event status

Every event has a status which is indicated by a small icon.

Icon  Status explanation
GroupCal Web, Event confirmation, sent, one checkmarkEvent was saved and sent to all members.
GroupCal Web event confirmation status delivered to all two checkmarksEvent received by all members.
GroupCal Web event confirmation status read by all two blue checkmarksAll members sent a status update either by accepting, declining or sending “maybe”. This status is enabled only for events set to request members for confirmation.

Buttons on the top bar of the calendar screens

GroupCal web top bar of the calendar view section

  • Back to today – scrolls the calendar screen to today.
  • Choose Calendar view – select from the available Month, Week or Day views.
  • Jump to month – change the range date presented on the calendar.
  • Scroll arrows – change the presented dates.

Add new events

There are multiple ways to add new events. You can read about this here.


The Account Section

The Account section

The account section allows you to view and manage your profile information – your profile picture, name, and plan status, as well as control the settings of the application.

The following features are available in the Account section:

  • Menu – read the GroupCal Settings popup article on this guide for details about the available settings.
  • Profile:
    • Add or edit your name – click on your name in order to make changes.
    • Add or edit your profile picture – click on the profile picture to choose a new one.
  • Plan status:
    GroupCal has several paid plans with additional features and functionalities. The Account section will show your existing plan status, and will allow you to click on it to make changes.
    Check the GroupCal Plans and Subscriptions article on this guide for further details.